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Joseph Campbell

vMythos (6029 bytes)

Joseph Campbell:
Mythos, Vol. 1: Boxed Set (VHS)

lecture series
vMythos (6029 bytes)

Joseph Campbell:
Mythos, Vol. 2: Boxed Set (VHS)

lecture series
vJCHerosJourney (5558 bytes)

Joseph Campbell: The Hero's Journey

video biography
dJosephCampbell (4842 bytes)

Joseph Campbell & The Power Of Myth, Vols. 1-6 (DVD)

two discs
vPowerMyth (25084 bytes)

Joseph Campbell & The Power Of Myth, Vols. 1-6 (VHS)

six-tape box set
vJosephCampellPower1 (6573 bytes)

Joseph Campbell & The Power Of Myth:

Vol. 1, The Hero's Adventure (VHS)
bPowerOfMyth (15083 bytes)

The Power Of Myth
by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers

the companion book to the PBS series
bHeroWithA (6682 bytes)

The Hero With A Thousand Faces
by Joseph Campbell

the mythic blueprint for a thousand stories
bJCCompanion (6844 bytes)

A Joseph Campbell Companion:
Reflections On The Art Of Living

by Joseph Campbell
bMythsToLiveBy (15083 bytes)

Myths To Live By
by Joseph Campbell

A very personal work which explores the enduring power of the myths that influence our lives and examines the myth-making process from the primitive past to the immediate present. 
bMythic (6526 bytes)

The Mythic Dimension: Selected Essays (1959-1987)
by Joseph Campbell

Twelve far-ranging essays exploring myth in its history; influence on art, literature, and culture; and role in everyday life.
bFireInMind (15560 bytes)

A Fire In The Mind: 
The Life Of Joseph Campbell
by Stephen Larsen

A comprehensive, authorized biography of Campbell, based on the author's exclusive access to his papers, journals and letters.
bMasksGod (5472 bytes)

The Masks Of God: Creative Mythology
by Joseph Campbell

This volume explores the whole inner story of modern culture since the Dark Ages, treating modern man's unique position as the creator of his own mythology.
bOccidental (5815 bytes)

The Masks Of God: Occidental Mythology
by Joseph Campbell

Campbell offers a systematic and fascinating comparison of the themes that underlie the art, worship, and literature of the Western world.
bOriental (5425 bytes)

The Masks Of God: Oriental Mythology
by Joseph Campbell

Campbell offers an explanation of Eastern mythology as it developed into the distinctive religions of Egypt, India, China, and Japan.
bMythsDreams (7202 bytes)

Myths, Dreams,
And Religions: Eleven Visions Of Connection

by Joseph Campbell
bTransformations (6633 bytes)

Transformations Of Myth Through Time
by Joseph Campbell
Collection of thirteen lectures explores
the development
of mythology

through the ages. 
bThouArtThat (6504 bytes)

Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor

by Joseph Campbell